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Improving document processing is one of the key steps for bettering administrative efficiency. Therefore, every step (document receiving or assigning, distributing, issuing, filing and managing) involved in document processing needs to be administered carefully. The duties of this division are to receive, sort, dispatch, type and proofread official documents, to apply official seal, to send mails, to collect and manage documents, and to distribute incoming mails. The division endeavors to simplify processes of document processing and recalling overdue documents, to digitalize and standardize document management to improve document processing efficiency and provide better document related services.
In response to the pass of the Archive Act and other related regulations in 2002, the division, apart from carrying out routine document processing and file management duties, has filed more than six hundred thousand of old documents and has been digitizing present and valuable historical documents by outsourcing the task. Paper documents which are more than 30 years old (35-63 years) are digitally scanned for preservation. Some early valuable documents with historical significance have been sent to professional restoration and 386 damaged documents (dated 35 to 38 years old) have been repaired since 2007. With support from our diligent colleagues and the University, the division has won the 4th Golden Archive Award.
As part of the campus digitization scheme, the document management system in the division has provided a new service for on-line document image browsing. Documents which have been digitally scanned can be browsed by using full-text search. Also, the division is working on a project of on-line official document browsing.